爱百科知识库 > > 美食百科 > 请问青岛十大名吃都有哪些?


来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-07-17 编辑:admin 手机版


1. 肉末海参--Sea cucumber with minced pork or minced pork sea cucumber

2. 香酥鸡--Crispy chicken

3.家常烧牙片鱼--Family Style flounder

4. 崂山菇炖鸡--Stewed chicken with Laoshan mushroom

5. 原壳鲍鱼--Boiled fresh albalone

6. 酸辣鱼丸--Hot and sour fish ball soup

7. 炸蛎黄--Crispy lightly-breaded oyster

8. 油爆海螺--Sauteed conch slices

9. 大虾烧白菜--Prawns and Chinese cabbage

10. 黄鱼炖豆腐--Stewed yellow croaker and tofu


1. 烤鱿鱼--Roast squid

2.酱猪蹄--Braised pig feet

3.三鲜锅贴--Three-delicious potstickers

4. 白菜肉包--Pork and Chinese cabbage bun

5. 辣炒蛤拉--Sauteed clams with chilli

6. 海鲜卤面--seafood noodles

7. 排骨米饭--Spare ribs on rice or pork chop rice

8. 鲅鱼水饺--Chinese mackerd dumplings

9. 海菜凉粉--Agar jelly

10. 鸡汤混沌--Wonton in Chicken broth

