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来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-07-20 编辑:admin 手机版





Guangzhou International Gourmet Festival

Date: From Nov. 28th with a period of 15 days.

Address: Guangzhou Tianhe Sports Center

Introduction: as an annual celebration of Guangzhou tourism cuisine circles, Guangzhou (International) Gourmet Festival attracts numerous professionals and citizens to participate in, which plays an important role in promoting Chinese catering cuisine culture and strengthening the exchange and cooperation among catering circles and has become one of the most famous tourism celebrations that is dominated by food, combining cuisine, entertainment, trade and tourism, has distinctive local features, and is international, extensive, mass, professional and scientific. The main contents include open flame tasty food exhibition,tasty food culture display, brand-name catering products display,cooking competition, and wine set with the featured tasty food and tourism routes of different countries the central cities in Pan-Pearl River Delta Region and the different districts of Guangzhou launched。


  • 花园桥附近有什么好吃好玩的

    一、花园桥附近有什么好吃好玩的 玩的:花园桥西北角的国际财经大厦B1有个温莎KTV,别的木有了 吃的:花园桥附近没啥好吃的,往北一站紫竹桥有个海底捞,往南一站航天桥北,路东有幸福

    美食百科 日期:2024-07-19
