爱百科知识库 > > 生活百科 > 英语课外小常识


来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-07-22 编辑:admin 手机版

1、Your grandmother is very ill (病), which number do you need (需要)? _c_.

2、You see a thief(小偷) on the way home, you want to ask the policeman for help. You can call _a_.

3、The house your live in is on fire (着火). You are going to call __b__.

4、Your father and mother are going to take you to the park this Sunday. But you don’t know the weather (天气) . Then you call __d___.

5、You want to telephone Jing Ling Hotel to book (预订) a room. But you don’t know their telephone number. You can ask ___e____for help.

