爱百科知识库 > > 育儿百科 > 英语作文,怎样与父母交流,让他们信任你200~300词


来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-09-12 编辑:admin 手机版


英语作文 你认为你能和父母交朋友Not Only Parents,But Also Friends!Everyone has his parents,who not only give us birth but also care for us during our whole life.But do think that you can make friends with your parents?My answer is yes!In my opinion,we can make frieds with our parents.On one hand,we should exchange our minds and thoughts .We should tell them something about our study and school life,though we may have something different.On the other hand,parents should care about their children's minds and thoughts more than their study.And tell them something about their work.In a word,parents should not only be parents but also good friends. 怎样使父母更高兴?英语回答I work hard to let them be proud of their son.That also makes them feel a lot of pleasure.I know what they want,they just want me to live a good life.When they feel happy,it must be something good for me.All the great parents in the world,all I want to say,isI LOVE YOU

英语作文 如果你是一位家长 你会怎样对待自己的孩子

如果我是一个家长,我将…… 首先,我将信任我的孩子,让他们知道我爱他们,让他们知道我很关心他们,让他们感到温暖和安全。 其次,我将使对话的孩子经常实际上, 没有一代父母和孩子之间的差距,如果你总是和你的孩子们交换你的见解。 第三,如果我的孩子想让他或她自己的秘密,想做点什么,不想告诉我(我gess每个孩子想要这样做),如果那件事并不是一个严重的错误(如违法),我将允许他们做即使他们将失败——至少这是一个很好的经验对他们。 终于,有时像一个孩子,有一个天真烂漫,想象一下如果你是一个孩子,你就会明白你的孩子。 这是不困难的,不是吗?

