爱百科知识库 > > 综合百科 > 求一篇《活着》英文简介


来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-07-08 编辑:admin 手机版

“Living”tells the story of a person's life。It is a life speech of an old man who has gone through the vicissitudes of life and sufferings。

It is a drama that deduces the sufferings of life。

When I was young, the narrator of the novel acquired a loafing profession, collecting folk songs in the countryside。

In the season just arrived in summer, I met the old man named Fugui。

I heard him tell me about his frustrating life experience:

the landlord's younger son was so fond of gambling that he finally gambled away his family and went to see a doctor before his mother fell ill。

I didn't expect that Fugui was caught by the Kuomintang troops halfway, captured by the People's Liberation Army, and returned home to know that his mother had passed away。此竖

In the world, his wife took pains to bring up a pair of children, but unfortunately her daughter became dumb。

The real tragedy began to unfold gradually from then on. Jiazhen can't do heavy work because she suffers from cartilage disease。

her son died because of the same blood type as the wife of the county magistrate, who took too much blood to save the wife of the county magistrate。

her daughter Fengxia married the first two happily in the city introduced by the captain。

and died on the operating table after giving birth to a baby boy, because of massive hemorrhage。

and three months after Fengxia's death, Jiazhen also died one after another; her son was a porter, who was drained by two cranes due to errors。

The grandson Kugen returned to the countryside with Fugui. Life was very difficult, even beans were very difficult to eat。

Fugui boiled beans for Kugen because of his heartache. Unexpectedly, Kugen died from eating beans. The rare warmth in life will be torn to pieces by death。

leaving only the old fortune with an old cow in the sunshine。


在夏天刚刚来到的季节,遇到那位名叫福贵的老人,听他讲述了自己坎坷的人生经历: 地主少爷福贵嗜赌成性,终于赌光了家业一贫如洗。











Alive, tells the story of an old man, about life and death DouZhengShi. The old man loved ones left in succession, until his only son also walked, he bought a head of dying, and the two sisters. But the old man is still alive, as if more than former days free and easy and strong. He's alive is a result, also is a new beginning. This itself is very intriguing. Yu hua said: the man is living itself and live for, and not for the live outside of the nothing and live.

This article about the story of living is the living to the old man told. His name is XuFuGui, used to be a very rich young man. His grandfather started from scratch with chicken, from beginning, make chicken become geese, goose become sheep, become cows, sheep in ?

