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来源:https://www.azjg.com 时间:2024-08-30 编辑:admin 手机版


Brazil is a country in South America. It is the fifth-largest country and the fifth most populous countryin the world.has a coastline of over 7,367 kilometres

Brazil is home to varied fauna and flora, as well as extensive natural resources. Brazil has one of the largest populations in the world . The official language is Portuguese The country has been a republic since 1889. In spite of important economical achievements, many social issues still hamper development.


The Olympic Games will be held in Brazil.I am so excited and I think the games will be interesting and also fascinating. But now, the important is,how should we do with the Olmpics if I am a volunteer? To solve the problem will be extremely difficult,because nowadays lots of people devote themselves to society and you can not hold an opportunity easily.So just try my best...We can go to the English Corner to help them to send some DIY newspapers and go to the neighborhood to tell the stories or history about Olmpics to the people who are curious to learn. Also,we can go on the streets to find the problems such as putting away the trash anywhere,saying out the impolite words.That will be meaningful.I am sure that I will succeed.Believe it,do it!


The Brazil national football team is the national team of Brazil and is managed by the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) that represents Brazil in international football petitions. They are the most successful national football team in the history of the World Cup, with five championships (1958, 1962, 1970, 1994, 2002). A mon quip about football is: "The English invented it, the Brazilians perfected it." [2] Currently ranked fifth by FIFA, Brazil is consistently among the strongest football nations in the world and is the only team to have played in every World Cup...


任茜于2012年全国跳水冠军赛女子单人十米台上获得第四名,不久进入国家跳水队[1] ;2014年获得国际跳水大奖赛多项分站赛事女子单人十米台冠军[2-3] ;2015年在喀山游泳世锦赛跳水女子单人十米台中摘得银牌[4] ;2016年在巴西跳水世界杯跳水女子单人十米台中折桂,获得个人第一个世界冠军[5] ;同年在巴西里约奥运会跳水女子单人十米台夺冠,首次获得奥运金牌


The puter is a very useful machine. It is the most important invention in many years.People use it widely today in many ways.Most puters have memories.People can store information in them and take it out at any time.Computers are getting *** aller and *** aller, and working faster and faster.Computer can do many kinds of work.Now in many large factories there are very few people. Computers do most of the work

英语作文以I want to be.....为题写一篇60词左右的短文

1. I Want to Be a Doctor I hope I can bee a doctor in the future.'1 wa *** orn in a doctor's family, my parents are both doctors,they are always busy working for patients' health and haveno time to look after me. They saved many people's livesduring the SARS in 2003. They've made contributions tothe people and our country, - they are called "Angels inWhite". They are great in my heart, s0 1 want to be adoctor like my parents. I will study hard to make mydream e true.译文:我想当一名医生 我希望我将来能成为一名医生。






2. I want to be a football player I want to be a football player.I was always dreaming of being a football player in the future when I was young. It is because football as the biggest sports in the world attracts many people to involve in. My role model is Kaka' who es from Brazil, and I am trying my best to follow him. Although I am very young now, I hope there will be one day when my dream es true.译文:我想成为一名足球运动员 我希望成为一名足球运动员.。





3. I want to be a headmaster I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that's a good job. My school is in the forest. It's very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o'clock in the morning. The teachers in my school are kind and patient. The female teachers in my school are good looking and young. The male teachers are handsome and strong. They are all hardworking so they get good salary. The children in my school have three classes in the morning. In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. They have no homework. They are very happy! At four o'clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz. They are for my dinner!译文:我想当一名校长 我长大后想成为一名校长。












这些是我的晚餐! 希望可以帮助到你!

一篇英语作文 100词左右 初三水平 急求!!

Everyboday wants to have a nice environment so that they can live and work happily. So decision has been made by our school that students will clean their classrooms and toilets in turn. Some students are unwilling to do this because they think it is a dirty job.It is our duty to protect our environment. We must take action instead of just saying. So we need to take action at once. We will be proud of ourselves because we can do something to protect our environment from pollution and create a better condition. Of course it is hard at first, but we can do it. We will be more self-discipline from the cleaning work. We will not litter rubbish anywhere we like as we did before.


2014年巴西世界杯(英语:2014 FIFA World Cup)第20届世界杯足球赛比赛于2014年6月12日至7月13日在南美洲国家巴西境内12座城市中的12座球场内举行吉祥物:犰狳(吉祥物最终通过全球网友在国际足联官网的投票被定名为“Fuleco”,这一名称在2012年11月25日被正式宣布。



Amazon Rainforest 30 Years on It's happened to all of us. You return to a beloved location -- and it isn't quite as you remembered. But even taking that into consideration, Sue Branford got a big shock recently when she returned to what was once a *** all munity in the Brazilian rainforest. It's estimated that last year alone enty-six thousand square kilometres of trees were felled -- an area almost the size of Belgium! Sue first visited the region three decades ago. Today it's almost unrecognisable... It's a strange sensation returning to a place you haven't visited for 30 years. And it's even stranger if everything has changed out of all recognition.I first went to the Amazon basin in 1974. At that time it was a real wild-west. The generals then ruling Brazil had decided, in what later proved to be a dangerous simplification, that the Amazon basin was empty. It was time, they said, to occupy it. So they set about building a neork of roads and encouraging loggers and cattle panies to move in. So there I was in 1974, on one of my first journalist assignments, finding out what was going on. I'd never been to the Amazon before and I was overwhelmed by it all. The beauty of the forest was breathtaking. There were trees so huge that it would have taken ten men with outstretched arms to encircle their trunks. Turtles basked in the sun on the white sand dunes that lined the rivers. But, along with this natural beauty, was man-made conflict. When the loggers and cattle panies arrived, they found peasant families living in parts of the forest. As well as fishing, hunting and collecting Brazil nuts, they were clearing *** all plots of land to grow food. The panies sent in gunmen to deal with them. Day after day I met traumatised peasants who'd been forcibly evicted. On another occasion I saw a group of disoriented, emaciated Amerindians, begging for food by the side of the road. For a few days I travelled in a lorry along one of the half-finished roads. One afternoon, after hours of dense forest, we stopped at a tiny hamlet. It was called Redencao, Redemption. And there among the wooden shacks, with their roofs made of palm leaves, was a bar selling ice-cream. The owner, an eccentric Italian, had somehow managed to bring an ice-cream maker into this remote region. The machine was fuelled by diesel, which was in short supply, so it often lay idle.译文:这样的事情我们所有人都遭遇过。
























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